Wednesday, March 20, 2019

20 March 2019

I am sitting at Swill Coffee with the girl, who is on spring break and working on some papers she has to get done by the end of the term. For some reason, we are more productive when sitting at a coffee place. It feels like we are here to accomplish stuff. I decided to finally upload all the photos from my back window that I've been taking every time I think of it. Right now it is partly sunny (cloudy, according to the weather app) and about 52° F. It's supposed to rain in the afternoon and snow tonight. It isn't supposed to drop below freezing, however, so I think it will be the typical Reno snowing where nothing actually sticks. I hope that is the case, since I have to take the other girl to the airport at 4:30 am.

Yesterday I sat down to write something that often comes to mind when I read things on facebook. But I was feeling angry and stressed, and decided that it wouldn't be prudent to actually post it...a friend posted a link to a John Pavlovitz blog that says Life is short, people are hurting, don't be a jerk. I told her I had just planned on being a jerk, but I'd stick it on my languishing poor excuse for a blog. It's probably more appropriate for Tumblr, but I've clearly stated that THIS is a blog and my Tumblr account is not.

Yesterday I was angry and stressed about a situation, and there seems to be no end of crappy young humans in the world. Shiftless young adults; I could be an early philosopher complaining about youth, for it's been happening from time immemorial: "I see no hope for the future of our people if they are dependent on frivolous youth of today, for certainly all youth are reckless beyond words... When I was young, we were taught to be discreet and respectful of elders, but the present youth are exceedingly wise [disrespectful] and impatient of restraint". (Hesiod, 8th century BC)

I am from the Gen X generation, and being both an apologetic, passive fat female AND a person with some sort of slight learning disorder, as well as being from a lower income family, I basically just did the jobs I had to do to pay my bills. I was laid off from my first job post university at the medical center; 1988 was a constricting economic time, and it didn't get better right away. I worked as a waitress, then moved back in with my parents to work at a convenience store while I looked for other jobs. We went for 9 months at 7-Eleven with no turnover, and we had a nurse and engineer working the midnight shifts for awhile. When times got better and I finally thought I might establish a career, taking computer science classes after work at the local community college, then it happened that I got married and moved away from the DC area. So Cal was a completely different market, and just not as good for those of us trying to break into the tech field. I was offered a job managing a small office which paid $25,000 a year...they told me I was young and they wanted someone who didn't need as much money, but I was already 32 and having a baby, so I didn't feel I was that young, and $25,000 wouldn't go very far with childcare in the mix. The company I left where I was employed as a temp wanted me to return to work, but I was making $10 an hour with no benefits, and the reason they extended my 2 day assignment indefinitely was because I had experience in the field. $10 in 1999 in Orange County, CA? Nope.

But this is not my rant, it's just the unfortunate babbling lead-in, me trying to work up my head of steam once more so as to properly be able to form my words. I don't need to; I don't need to be angry to say this...I'm just trying to explain something I don't get, I don't feel the way others do, and it is this: parents brag about their children on facebook. Perhaps brag is the wrong term, but they proclaim how proud they they couldn't be more proud. It's kind of the same way someone will post a photo, a brave photo, a photo that is real. And then people clamor about how beautiful the person is. I often don't find the person beautiful, and I don't think getting that the aim of the person sharing the photo was to be called such. I feel downright angry when I try to post a real or an ugly photo of myself, and people rush to tell me how beautiful I am. I don't NEED to be beautiful, I don't NEED for you to FIND ME BEAUTIFUL. Which isn't to say that when I find someone or something beautiful, that I can't help but exclaim so.

6 March 2019

10 am, raining or misty snow, I don't remember, but it was an interesting sky. Looking at other photos I took around then, it seemed to be raining, and that might have been one of the windy days. There were lots of white clouds with some blue sky at times.

2 March 2019

Just a boring, kind of cloudy day.

24 February 2019

Just after 1 pm.

21 February 2019

It snowed on this day, a Thursday. This was around 8 am, and school was not delayed. I worked that day, and it would snow off an on without really dropping much, but the kids had fun playing in it as they walked to music or had recess.

20 February 2019

This was taken around noon, and the sky is probably white because I focused on the darker mountain range.

19 February 2019

Yes, blue sky, and the sun is shining again the next day.

18 February 2019

Is that blue sky I see?

17 February 2019

It's starting to snow again in the late afternoon.And after 5:30 pm it seems to be coming down.

16 February 2019

The snow is thinning out on the range.

13 February 2019

I liked the fog. We had some foggy days for a bit after the snowfall.

10 February 2019

Around the same time of day, but almost a week later.

4 February 2019

It was snowing.

28 January 2019

Sunrise at 6:35 am. I guess I was on my way to work.

17 January 2019

This was around 9:30 pm. It's grainy, but I think I took it because of how light the clouds appeared that late at night.

16 January 2019

07:47. This one looks nice on my phone.

5 December 2018

Snowy winter morning.

28 November 2018

4:47 pm

24 November 2018

Blurry dawn, just after 6 am.

13 April 2018

A view from the window. April sunrise